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How To Get Ready For a Spouse Entering Long-Term Drug Rehab

What to Expect with Long-Term Drug Rehab


Addiction can be a hugely disruptive force in a marriage. The abnormal has a way of becoming the norm when you are living with someone who is a long-term, chronic substance abuser. Often the burden of responsibility for running the household and keeping the family together falls on the shoulders of the spouse. But there is hope for recovery, and if your spouse has made the decision to enter long-term drug rehab, you should prepare yourself for what will be a challenging time in both of your lives.

Naturally, there is anxiety in a house when one partner is preparing to spend weeks or potentially months away in long-term drug rehab. Make sure to research the clinic you have chosen thoroughly, so you can rest assured that their treatment plans align with the needs of your spouse. A good rehab center will provide a multifaceted approach to treatment, which may include concurrent therapy, medication, long-term detox, physical therapy, group sessions, and much more. Clinicians will be ready to diagnose and address the root causes for a person’s struggle with addiction, such as treating a co-occurring mental illness.

What steps can you take to prepare for your partner’s long-term drug rehab stay?

Tip 1: Educate yourself.

Your partner is about to enter into what may be one of the most significant stretches of time in his or her life. It is crucial that both of you know what to expect from the process ahead. You need to be prepared for the realities of spending life apart from one another for some time, as that takes a good deal of forethought to achieve successfully. Learn as much as you can from the facility you have chosen for long-term drug rehab, so you can better understand how to deal with your spouse readjusting to a sober life.

Tip 2: Anticipate serious change.

After your partner has recovered and begun leading a clean and sober life, you may be surprised to encounter changes in your relationship. It will be challenging at times. One of you may well consider leaving the marriage at one point or another. However difficult it may be, this is, in fact, another opportunity to reaffirm your love for one another while rebuilding your everyday routine from the ground up. Allow your partner to rehab at his or her own pace. Give them some freedom to explore this new lifestyle after returning home.

Tip 3: Don’t overreact to a relapse.

It may be instinctive to blame yourself for your spouse’s failure, but ultimately their recovery is out of your hands. A relapse is an accepted and normal part of recovery, and it is critical not to overreact. Any long-term drug rehab facility will be equipped to address a relapse. Additionally it will help their patient return to the right track to recovery. Discuss this possibility with both your partner and the clinicians. This will help to understand what you should do in the possible event of relapse. Remember to stay strong and help your partner to return to rehab to try again.

Tip 4: Keep an open line of communication.

You may be limited to less frequent communication during the length of the stay in long-term drug rehab. However, take advantage of the opportunities you have to talk or visit. Both before and after a rehab stay, communication is key to making the situation easier on both parties. Talk through each of your anxieties and expectations; you may be surprised how good it feels to speak them aloud. Set the stage for an open conversation when your spouse returns to the house by over-communicating before hand.

Tip 5: Create a recovery plan.

Preferably, you should do this with the assistance of clinicians in the rehab facility. The return to normal life is an unsteady time for a recovering addict. Returning to familiar people and places can be a trigger for the addictive behavior. It is helpful for both of you to anticipate this. It can be hard to keep your head clear and logical in the heat of a difficult moment. Having a plan that you can reference at those times will prove to be helpful.

Lighthouse is experienced in providing people the tools and skills to maintain sobriety after leaving rehab. Involving the family of an addict in the recovery process is in line with our evidence-based approach to treatment. We encourage you to contact us today with any questions. You can find us online or at 1-800-RECOVERY.

Related Tags: Long-Term Drug Rehab | Lighthouse



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