
What Are the 12 Steps?

The path to recovery from addiction is both personal and profound. For many seeking a way to reclaim their lives from substance use disorders, 12-step programs offer a beacon of hope. These programs, made popular by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and other similar groups, are based on the belief that addiction is a disease and can be managed through personal responsibility, community support, and spiritual growth. This time-tested approach has helped countless people find lifelong recovery.

The essence of this program lies in encouraging participants to confront their weaknesses, harness a greater power beyond themselves, and move forward with renewed purpose and community support. Recovery Centers of America incorporates 12-step programming into every patient’s treatment plan alongside psychiatric care and therapy. This approach provides patients with a comprehensive approach to overcoming addiction, addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their lives.

Call 1-800-RECOVERY if you or someone in your life would benefit from the addiction treatment programs offered by RCA.

The Journey Through the 12 Steps

The 12 steps are often characterized as a spiritual awakening, guiding those struggling with addiction toward a renewed sense of self and purpose. They include:

1.        Recognizing the overwhelming power of addiction.

2.        Believing in the restorative powers of a higher entity.

3.        Making the conscious decision to turn over control to this greater power.

4.        Engaging in a profound and honest self-reflection.

5.        Sharing these revelations with oneself, a higher power, and another person.

6.        Preparing for the removal of these character flaws.

7.        Humbling oneself to request the elimination of shortcomings.

8.        Listing those harmed by one’s addiction and preparing to make amends.

9.        Taking active steps to repair these relationships, barring any harm their actions may cause.

10.  Pursuing an ongoing examination of one’s conduct and swiftly addressing mistakes.

11.  Seeking a deeper spiritual connection and clarity on the divine will through prayer and meditation.

12.  Carrying the message of recovery to others affected by addiction.

By incorporating these steps into the fabric of everyday life, patients find a sense of direction that transcends their struggles, fostering growth and encouraging sustainable recovery.

The Power of Connection

Through the 12-step program, patients do not walk alone; instead, they join a global network that offers compassionate support and shared experiences. One of the biggest benefits of 12-step programming is that patients can continue to attend meetings and connect with others even after finishing treatment—for many, 12-step meetings are a lifelong source of support and guidance.

Additionally, addiction recovery is often a family affair. Loved ones can participate in programs like Al-Anon and Nar-Anon, where they receive care and guidance while learning how to best support their recovering family member or friend.

How the 12 Steps Fit into Treatment

12-step programs are not just sets of milestones; they are integral to the comprehensive approach used by RCA’s treatment programs. They are woven into individual and group therapy sessions, as well as peer-led support groups.

As patients progress through their recovery journey, they learn how to apply the principles of 12-step programs in their lives. This includes recognizing triggers and developing coping strategies, creating a supportive community, and finding ways to give back and help others.

We encourage patients to keep in touch with “sober supports” they meet during treatment, attend 12-step meetings regularly, and work through the steps with a sponsor. These elements not only support ongoing recovery but also create a sense of accountability and responsibility in maintaining sobriety.

Get in Touch with Recovery Centers of America Today

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, know that there is hope and help available. At Recovery Centers of America, we offer personalized treatment plans that incorporate evidence-based practices like 12-step programming to help our patients find lasting recovery. Reach out today at 1-800-RECOVERY or contact us online to learn more about our programs and take the first step toward change.



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