More education about fentanyl and how to reverse its damage is needed, especially among the family members, friends and loved ones of those who struggle with substance use disorder, said Corey Richey, interim CEO of Recovery Centers of America at Bracebridge Hall, a treatment facility in Cecil County.
Many people may not know that effective treatment exists, and is readily available, to intervene in overdoses, Richey said. Organizations need to be better teachers and suppliers of such treatment, she added.
“We need a sustained, broad community effort to support people who are addicted to opioids, as well as other substances. It’s important that the public know that effective treatment is within reach; in fact, there are highly effective treatment centers in many communities and neighborhoods,” Richey said in a statement.
She added that people should know that naloxone nasal spray — often listed under its brand name, Narcan, is available over the counter, and at most pharmacies.
Read the full article on Maryland substance abuse experts say more access to treatment and medications is essential to combating opioid crisis.