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Jim Bogan

Primary Therapist

After 25 years in Construction Management, Jim was interested in seeking a second career where he might find a sense of self-fulfillment while helping others. An inclination to explore the underpinnings of addiction arose because of familial involvement. Enrolling in a Drug and Alcohol Program at Villanova University, which provided an overview of the attributes a D&A Counselor displayed, fostered a passion to embark on the career path Jim had envisioned. He enrolled in the Rosemont College School of Graduate and Professional Studies pursuing a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling Psychology with an Addictions Concentration.

Upon graduation, Jim began his career at an Inpatient facility where he continued to learn the complexities of the profession and the importance of a non-judgmental countenance. When the opportunity to work at an Outpatient facility presented, Jim believed the chance to strengthen his group facilitation skill set seemed optimal for both professional and personal growth. Now at RCA, Jim believes he has actualized the therapeutic niche for which he was destined. Although Jim’s use of the Matrix Model, which employs a combination of therapeutic techniques, could best describe his treatment approach; he too could be described as a practitioner who utilizes psychoeducational groups to suggest to members the possible origins of their afflictions and ways by which they might heal. At the end of the day, Jim believes the therapeutic relationship essential; affording the client an opportunity to not only be listened to but to be heard.



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