
Recovery While Home Kickstart

Wake up in the morning, drink your coffee or tea, and take a moment to reflect on the fact you have woken up to yet another day of sobriety.

Be grateful your family and friends care for you and are looking forward to being with and/or talking to you today. 

Be grateful men and women, like you, embrace Step 12 and are courageously caring for people they don’t know.

Think about the people who struggle with addiction, and are laying in a bed by themselves, fighting this disease.

If your child asks you to sing a song or read a book first thing in the morning – read the book or sing the song no matter what.

When someone from your recovery posse calls for help – take the call no matter what. Someone  reading this does for you. 

Think of all the wonderful people who have lost their battle with addiction and be grateful you are reading this article no matter how badly your day started. Yours started, theirs didn’t. 

With this information, you can go about your day and be of service, save the day for someone else.

If you or someone you know are struggling with any of the above, call 1-800-RECOVERY today.
