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Keeping in close contact with your sponsor & community

Recovery Centers of America

Authored by Recovery Centers of America

We’re all physically separated during this time of quarantine and social distancing – but connection is such an important part of life. As human beings, we need to feel supported, valued, and loved.  Especially when you’re in recovery.

Keeping in touch with your sponsor and your community probably hasn’t been easy. But here are a few ways you might not have thought of to keep in contact:

Virtual book club

Now is the perfect time to get caught up on your reading! Grab a book, some friends, and host a virtual book club. Or walk through the big book with your sponsor and hold your own book club.

A few book ideas related to addiction and recovery:

  • Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget by Sarah Hepola
  • Drinking: A Love Story by Caroline Knapp
  • Girl Walks Out of a Bar: A Memoir by Lisa Smith
  • Unwifeable: A Memoir by Mandy Stadtmiller
  • A Party Girl: A Novel by Anna David
  • A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
  • High on Arrival by Mackenzie Phillips

Start cooking

Facetime or Zoom call your sponsor and get to cooking! Before the phone call, agree on a recipe and make sure you both have the ingredients. Set a date and time and cook a meal together. Great conversation flows from sharing a meal together, even if it is virtually. You can walk through the steps as cook or enjoy the meal together.

Enjoy a walk

Grab your shoes, some headphones, and head outside. With spring finally right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to go outside and see nature coming back to life. Call your sponsor or someone who is struggling in your community and share this walk with them. You can compare the trees and flowers blooming, what the birds sound like, how the sun feels, etc. Without the distractions of everything in your house, you’ll be able to focus on having a fulfilling conversation.

Send a package

Nowadays, most people don’t get much in the mail besides bills. Send someone – your sponsor, someone in your community, a loved one – a little pick-me-up in the mail. It could be as simple as a postcard, a book, some crossword puzzles, or a treat. Not only will the care package bring the person joy, but you’ll feel great making someone’s day.

Get some exercise

Keeping a routine has never been more important. Call your sponsor and support each other virtually while you work out. Exercise is an effective way to get some stress out and foster helpful conversation. Whether you want to lift some weights or do yoga together, you’ll feel like you have someone by your side during this time.

Authored by

Recovery Centers of America

Recovery Centers of America



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