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Knowing These Facts About Alcohol Abuse Could Save A Friend

Recovery Centers of America

Authored by Recovery Centers of America

Our Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers Share Some Things to Know

Concerned with the drinking habits of a friend? You may have searched for alcohol abuse facts to determine if your friend’s alcohol use qualifies as addiction. Take a look at these alcohol abuse symptoms from our alcohol and drug treatment centers to see if the descriptions fit your friend’s behavior.

Alcohol-Use Disorder

The definition of alcohol-use disorder (AUD), according to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, includes two or more of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Trying to cut down on drinking unsuccessfully more than once
  • Needing to drink more than previously to get the same effect
  • Having problems at work, in school, or in relationships because of excessive drinking or the resulting hangovers
  • Continuing to drink despite the different issues it creates
  • Drinking more in a night than originally intended
  • Wanting a drink is an all-consuming thought
  • Cutting back on other activities or hobbies to drink more often
  • Going through physical withdrawal symptoms after a period of abstinence

For many people, some of these red flags may come as a surprise. Debilitating hangovers may be a sign that a person is developing unhealthy binge-drinking habits. Keep watch for these behaviors as they may be a signal that your friend has a problem with addiction.

The Latest Alcohol Abuse Facts

  • Chronic alcohol abuse can be a factor in early death

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), alcohol is the third-leading cause of preventable death in America. This includes deaths from accidents and deaths from the variety of alcohol-caused diseases and disorders.

  • Underage drinking is not going anywhere

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reported in a 2014 survey that almost 14% of those interviewed from ages 12 to 20 were binge drinkers. This telling statistic indicates that Americans are developing unhealthy behaviors regarding drinking at a very young age. If repeated, binge drinking could develop into a full-blown alcohol-use disorder as these children grow.

  • College drinking may be worse than we think

Because the public normalizes binge drinking for college-aged young adults, many of the signs of alcoholism can be missed when dealing with this age group. According to the NIAAA, almost 38% of college students in 2014 were binge drinking regularly, and this rate is higher than for non-college persons of the same ages. College students are prone to ignoring teenage alcohol abuse facts and engaging in risky drinking behaviors. Not fully understanding the possible risks of addiction is a dangerous thing.

By learning the risks of alcoholism,  you can be better equipped to discuss alcohol use with your friend. If you think your friend is drinking too much, it is time start the conversation.

Taking the step from talking about an alcohol problem to getting treatment may seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Contact our alcohol and drug treatment centers at 1-800-RECOVERY, where care advocates are available 24/7 to explain treatment options and provide expert clinical care.

Authored by

Recovery Centers of America

Recovery Centers of America



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