
Facing the Reality of Addiction: Finding a detox Center

On Finding a detox Rehab with Professional Treatment

Addiction is a taboo topic in our society; a topic weighed down by guilt and shame. And yet it is a crisis affecting more than 45 million Americans. It is not only a widespread problem but a pervasive one. But we don’t want to admit that it could happen to us, to our families, to our friends– we prefer to imagine that it only happens to other types of people.

However, studies are revealing that addiction is much more widespread than we want to accept. According to a poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 59% of those affected by prescription painkiller abuse were male/and or college graduates and lived in suburban areas. Drug usage affects all types of people, rich and poor, famous and ordinary, all races and all ages.

Our reluctance to admit the reality of drug abuse makes it harder to get those the help that they need. Once we can face this problem, help is there. If you are looking for detox rehab centers in NJ for a friend or family member, then Lighthouse is here for you.

Lighthouse can Help

Often one of the first steps to recovery from substance abuse is detoxification (the process of ceasing drug usage). It is very important that individuals receive medically-monitored detoxification from professionals. Trained professionals are able to monitor the process to ensure that our patient comes off of the drug usage safely. Individuals who attempt to detox on their own often begin using again to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal. This can put them at a higher risk of overdose as a result of reduced tolerance to the drug.

In a professional detox rehab program, staff members may taper dosage so as to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms, provide medication to make patients more comfortable, and provide other medical and social supports to aid our patients in the detox process.

Lighthouse is a detox rehab center that will provide all of this as well as 24-hour close monitoring by medical professionals and staff. After the detox has taken place, Lighthouse will make sure that patients receive the follow-up care and treatment necessary for a full recovery. Detoxification alone is not a full treatment and it is essential that patients continue to receive professional care after detox. To ensure that patients are able to access this important treatment, Lighthouse offers a full continuum of care.

The range of services provided include:

  • Inpatient or Residential Treatment – This is intensive, structured, residential care. Patients will receive ongoing medical and psychiatric care, therapy, counseling, and a number of other services to aid in recovery.
  • Partial Care – This service provides extended daily treatment for outpatients, usually about 20 hours per week. Services include group and individual therapy, education seminars, individual and family counseling, and psychiatric and medical services at the program site.
  • Intensive outpatient Treatment – This is for patients who are able to maintain abstinence and recovery while still participating in normal daily activities–this provides an organized treatment program to facilitate that recovery. Services include educational and group therapy sessions, individual and family therapy sessions, and psychiatric and medical services onsite.
  • Traditional outpatient Treatment – Provides individual, group, and family counseling and psychiatric and medical services are available onsite.

Get your loved one the detox rehab they need to begin recovery so they can live a healthy life. Contact Lighthouse today at 1-800-RECOVERY.
