
Company with similar name to RCA, called Recovery Connection Centers of America, was Indicted on March 2, 2023

On March 2, 2023, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Rhode Island announced indictments against certain executives of a Rhode Island-based company called “Recovery Connection Centers of America (RCCA)” that operates Outpatient programs. Neither this organization, nor the individuals named in the indictments have any association whatsoever with Recovery Centers of America (RCA). 

An updated story was published by the Boston Globe stating at the bottom that Recovery Connection is not affiliated with Recovery Centers of America and attributes that to us and authorities.  Recovery Centers of America previously had taken legal steps to stop the company’s misleading use of name similar to ours.

Like many members of the recovery and addiction treatment services community, we are troubled and saddened by the allegations outlined in the indictments. But we want to make it clear to all of our patients, families, alumni, referents, partners and colleagues that Recovery Connection Centers of America and Recovery Centers of America (RCA) are two separate, unrelated companies. 

Recovery Centers of America continues to offer the highest quality of services, providing superior addiction treatment by a team of expert caring professionals.
