
5 Signs Cocaine Addiction May Be Developing in a Loved One

It May Be Time for a Substance Abuse Rehab…

The symptoms of addiction are often mistaken as something else or completely ignored. Erratic behavior, hyperactivity and mood swings can be signs of cocaine addiction.

If you notice behavioral changes in a loved one or out-of-character decisions, it may be worth trying to discern if substance abuse is at the root of those behavior shifts and if substance abuse rehab is needed.

Signs of Cocaine Addiction

  • Runny nose and nosebleed:
  • Cocaine is typically ingested by snorting, and prolonged use can damage the nose, leading to chronic sniffles and nosebleeds. Therefore, if someone exhibits these symptoms, it’s possible cocaine abuse is the cause.
  • Bloodshot eyes and dilated pupils:
  • Just as with marijuana use, bloodshot and watery eyes are signs cocaine addiction may be a problem. During the actual high of the drug, cocaine can also produce dilated pupils.
  • Sudden money trouble and stealing:
  • Cocaine is an expensive drug, and maintaining a significant habit puts a financial strain on chronic abusers. So, addicts will steal from people in order to maintain their level of addiction. Unexplained financial strain or lies about money are red flags that your loved one may be hiding an active addiction.
  • Personality changes:
  • Stimulants, especially one as potent as cocaine, produce a noticeable effect on the behaviors of the users. So, cocaine abusers tend to be talkative, outgoing, and hyperactive. They may even become aggressive or subject to hallucinations. If someone close to you goes through dramatic mood swings, substance abuse may be the true cause. Hence, it may be time to confront that person about their drug abuse.
  • Finding time to use:
  • Because the high from cocaine use is relatively brief, chronic abusers need to find a way to take a new dose fairly often to maintain the level they desire. This often takes the form of excusing themselves to use the restroom, retrieving something from their car, or other reasons to leave to do the drug.

If you have noticed cocaine addiction symptoms in someone you know, contact Recovery Centers of America today. Call 1-800-RECOVERY to speak to one of our care advocates. Speaking with a care advocate to learn more about the addiction and our substance abuse rehab is a great place to start.

We plan the best recovery for your addiction. No one’s treatment is the same. Find out how a team of physicians can provide multiple therapies to set up a substance abuse patient for the best chance at success.

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