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365 Days of Sober Tips

Home 365 Days of Sober Tips


Find someone in recovery that you’d like to model your life after, and start modeling.

Take it one day at a time, 4 hours at a time, 1 hour at a time or even 10 minutes at a time if you need to. Struggles and cravings go away.

What people think of you is not your concern. Those that matter love you.

Not only one day at a time. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day that you are sober is a BIG deal. Keep on keeping on the sober life.

When you feel that things are going haywire pick up the phone for support.

Hobbies, hobbies, hobbies! Learn how to pain, play the guitar, take a Zumba class at your local gym, volunteer at a local animal shelter … there’s an infinite amount of possibilities for sober fun!

Live by spiritual practices, take in positive, inspirational ideas, and laugh.


Ask for help and be of service to others

Breathe. Just breathe. And be proud of yourself no matter how far you’ve come; you have made it this far for a reason.

Give yourself a break! “We are not going to be perfect. If we were perfect, we would not be human.” NA Basic Text, p. 31

Start new traditions that don’t revolve around drinking.

Keep your head where your feet are. Don’t think in the past or future too much.

Exercise, exercise, exercise!

Find ways to serve others. It helps change your focus from self and puts more joy into the world.

Keep a list of sober support contact numbers accessible! You are more apt to use them if you don’t have to search for them.

Get a sponsor!

Make a gratitude list

Head to the gym. One of the healthiest things you can do for your brain and body is to workout at a gym.

You are a better, more empathetic person because of everything you have been through. Stop beating yourself up.

Get curious! Get out of your head and into life. If your life is interesting, vibrant, and engaging, sobriety becomes much more manageable. Meditation, art, journaling, read, exercise, teach something, explore nature, listen to and learn music, take online courses … try whatever sparks your curiosity and commit to investing a specific amount of time to it in order to gain proficiency in a few.

Change people, places, and things.

Always, always, always plan an exit

Work in a good proven program (AA, NA, HA, Celebrate Recovery) – do the steps over and over again

Seek a good mental health professional/therapist to continue working on yourself

Get a hobby and be OK spending time with yourself

Never stop reaching out for support/help/input from people who want you to succeed.

Trust the process and allow all the new miracles in your life that are headed your way!

Shop in grocery stores that do not sell alcohol.

Just keep going and do the next right thing

Don’t test your willpower.

Add structure into your life and develop healthy habits like getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, making your bed every morning, and going to bed at the same time each day.

Keep in touch with your Alumni Coordinator from RCA. They’re here to walk this journey with you.

Know you are worthy of recovery, of a happy life, of forgiveness. Everyone makes mistakes.

Relapse is not a moral failure. If you’ve relapsed, it’s okay. Find peace in knowing that there just may be something else you need to learn or hear.

Participate in the Alumni Association at RCA. There are plenty of virtual 12-step meetings, service opportunities, and even fun sober events! It’s an amazing and uplifting way to stay connected to your peers and your recovery.

Participate in the Alumni Association at RCA. There are plenty of Your addiction likely lasted for a long time, you can’t expect it to go away the day you stop. It’ll be hard, but more worth it than you can imagine.

Smile (even if you don’t feel like it), because it is scientifically proven to make you feel better

Your addiction likely lasted for a long time, you can’t expect it to go away the day you stop. It’ll be hard, but more worth it than you can imagine.

No one can do it by themselves, you HAVE to ask for help.

Be grateful. Start a gratitude list each night. You’ll be surprised how the simplest of things can bring you such pleasure.

Distance yourself from lifestyles that threaten your sobriety.

Never question the decision to stop drinking or using.

Take it one day at a time, and keep it close to the present moment. You are in the here and now – not tomorrow – not later. Breathe in deeply, exhale slowly. “I am alive and well.”

Start every day with prayer and meditation.

Life will get better than you can ever imagine if you stay sober.

When invited to a plus-1 function, you can always bring someone from your network from support.

Sometimes when I think about drinking, I’m attached to how it made me feel in my 20’s. Reminding myself that I like who I’ve grown into, helps me be less attached to who I was.

Your recovery is a journey – it’s about moving forward & not looking back!!!

Come up with a positive adjective for each letter of your name!

Find some balance, lean on your supports in good times AND bad, and work on developing some sort of structure in your day-to-day. We often get clean and immediately try to fix all of our issues, having a proactive mindset is good, but be mindful not to overwhelm yourself and take on too much, too quickly. You are a MIRACLE, you CAN do this, ONE DAY AT A TIME!

Find your positive support system …. Family members, sober friends, AA/NA/etc. or other support groups, counselling/therapy groups, the list goes on. Anyone who is a supportive, healthy, and positive influence on you and your recovery! 🙂

“Sometimes you have to go through the darkness to get to the light!”

When I get a craving I remind myself that a craving only lasts 90 seconds. I’ll set a timer for 90 seconds & go do something to keep myself busy for the next minute & a half. Then, when it goes off I tell myself that the craving is over & what I’m feeling now is just the anxiety left over. I start calming down pretty quickly after that.

Meet with your counselor, seek true support, engage yourself with positive people, and most importantly, go to meetings!

KISS – Keep it Simple Sweetheart – this one thing sounds easy enough though we too often overthink and overdo and therefore complicate things. Just remember to Keep it Simple Sweetheart and be kind to yourself!

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Even in the darkest times, search for the silver lining.

Music can be an outlet for healing. Find something uplifting and powerful.

Ask as many questions that you need to get to where you want to be

You matter!

When in a setting where there is alcohol present or not; plan to have a non-alcoholic drink in your hand.

Change is hard. Being consistent with the new routines, activities, etc. helps so much!

Remember to pause and take a breath. Be present in the moment

Abandon shame and guilt. You don’t need to punish yourself.

Volunteer! Your local animal or homeless shelter, library, anywhere. Nothing feels better than giving back.

Consider therapy. It’s easier to walk through tough times with a therapist.

Don’t be afraid to say no to things. No explanation needed – no is a complete sentence.

Focus on the now. You can’t change or control tomorrow.

Don’t test your willpower with people, places, or things. It isn’t worth it.

On your tough days, keep goals small. Just focus on what you need to do to get through today.

Remember – you’re in charge of your success

Embrace routines and healthy distractions.

Put your willingness into action.

Avoid dating in early recovery. Instead, fall in love with yourself. You deserve it.

Write down a bunch of positive affirmations and motivational quotes on post-its and place them all over your home.

Remember, recovery doesn’t happen overnight. All good things take time.

Wake up every morning and thank your Higher Power for the gift of life.

Mindset is everything.

Read blogs or listen to podcasts on recovery. Use them as motivation and education.

Take time to explore who you really are, to the root of your being without the presence of drugs and alcohol. Then take some time to explore who you really want to be.

Start tracking your mood every day to discover patterns and draw conclusions about how your behaviors and actions affect how you feel.

Avoid boredom. Find a hobby you enjoy and lean into it.

Believe that it’s okay to forgive yourself for your mistakes or wrongdoings, and actively work at it every day. Self-forgiveness is a practice – it takes time, patience, and understanding.

Write down your ideal morning and nighttime rituals that will add intention and clarity to the start and finish of each day. Commit to them – commit to yourself.

Get outside yourself and get in service by helping others. No act of service is too small!

Help others (and you’ll help yourself)!

Find somewhere quiet and calm, and take an extra moment for relaxation and reflection.

Find something to clean or organize – who doesn’t love a cleaner, fresher, more inspiring home!

Express kindness through a text, email or phone call.

Know what to do if your old triggers reappear

Embrace positive distractions!

Seek a mentor (in addition to your sponsor!)

Create different playlists for different moods – sad, happy, down in the dumps, etc.

Create an appreciation jar

Seek and create meaning

You’re not a bad person. Learn to agree with that statement.

Celebrate the little things!

If you put half the energy you used in active addiction into your recovery, it would absolutely flourish.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Stay open to the feedback from therapists and people working a successful program. It could change your life!

There’s no growth in the comfort zone.

Keep it simple

To become present, focus on your breath. Inhale God in, exhale you out.

Working out in your home, in a gym, or outside really helps.

Open up, talk to your sponsor, therapist, a friend.

Attend 12 step meetings regularly and make connections

Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can do this one moment at a time!

When you are feeling really down or before you get to that point write a letter to yourself or someone that is important in your life, you don’t have to send the letter, just write it.

Get a change of scenery – whether it’s taking a different route to work, or a different store to shop for groceries at, changing your scenery can make a huge impact on an old routine you’re trying to stay away from.

Keep track of your progress – it’s easy to forget how far you’ve come, so keeping a journal or notebook with your thoughts, feelings, and goals can be helpful

Don’t be afraid to say no to unhealthy people.

Learn how to do fun things alone. The key is learning how to do fun things alone so you aren’t dependent on others to keep yourself busy.

Call your sponsor!

Prioritize your bedtime and sleep routine.

There is always a positive moment in each day. We just have to know where to find it.

Recovery is a process. Be easy on yourself and keep showing up no matter what!

Start a gratitude journal and name three things that you are grateful each day.

Always remember you’re never alone. Trust the process

Just know you’re worth it!

Know your triggers and avoid environments that fuel your addiction.

You can start again right now. And right now. And right now. Forgive yourself, and allow yourself to start again right now. You can do it.

It is easier to remember the truth, instead of the lies. It is scary at first, but with practice, honesty can be your greatest weapon against addiction.

Always keep an open mind, and completely surrender.

My sober tip is to keep your family and support system so close to you at all times. This is a hard fight, you do not have to do it alone! Lean on your sponsor, sober peers, and family.

Develop a structured schedule and stick with it

Get outside! It’s amazing what 10 minutes of sunshine can do for your mood

Let your Faith be bigger than your Fear!

Build yourself up with the mantra “I am…” “I am powerful” “I am brave” “I am beautiful”

Make a vision board of all the things you want in your new, sober life. Use it as motivation to get there.

Forgive yourself, you deserve it.

“Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.” – Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, pg. 417. Practice this.

Identify your triggers – people, places, situations, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. They will come up, prepare in advance.

Practice gratitude – everyday. Write a list of 5 things you are grateful for. Cherish them.

If you’re not doing SOMETHING about your addiction, your addiction will do something about you.

Try to do at least 1 thing for your personal recovery every day

Find a support group and stick with them.

Believe that you deserve the life you’re aiming for! Take one day at a time & if you feel triggered call your sponsor or someone you trust to walk you through

You deserve to be happy. Learn that & never forget it.

Do everything that you don’t want to do. The more you don’t want to do it, the more you should do it and the more you will benefit from it.

Just keep trying, no matter how many times it takes!

At first you may be in treatment because someone pushed you to be here, but tomorrow you may wake up and be in recovery for YOURSELF…and THAT is the beginning of self-love.

Take 5 deep breaths. Acknowledge for 5 things you can see around you. Acknowledge 4 things you can touch around you. Acknowledge 3 things you can hear around you. Acknowledge 2 things you can smell around you. Acknowledge 1 thing you can taste around you. Take a long and final deep breath. You are now grounded and reset!!!

Remain grateful for the little things. Remember the last day before you came into treatment, keep it fresh in your mind. Be kind to yourself. Speak from your true voice.

The racing thoughts in your head are like a spinning top, if we continue to pull the cord we give them power, stop pulling the cord and the thoughts like the top will lose power.

Raise your hand at every meeting and say – I’m new and would like a list of numbers

Be a part of the 20/20 club – get to a meeting 20 minutes early and help set up chairs, stay 20 minutes after and help clean up!

Speak to another clean/sober alcoholic or addict every day.

Some days will be more difficult than others, remember to pause in the challenging moments take a deep breath and carry on. Practice – left foot – right foot – breath and repeat………

Being nice is good, being kind as well, overall in recovery being honest to yourself helps break up the foul ground of addiction.

Your recovery ruler is your own. No one can compare it to another. You’ve made it this far, now finish, by putting one foot in front of the other. A step at a time. Recovery can last a lifetime.

Build happy and healthy relationships.

After accomplishing a healthy goal, we often feel a desire to reward ourselves. In lieu of falling back into old, familiar patterns of substance use, set yourself up for success with knowing ahead of time a more positive way to “celebrate” our accomplishments. A new outfit, lunch with friends or even a positive post on social media.

Every single choice you make creates the reality you live in. CHOOSE mindfully and stop allowing your addiction choose for you.

Every single choice you make creates the Every single choice you make creates the reality you live in. CHOOSE mindfully and stop allowing your addiction choose for you.

Give yourself a chance. What do you have to lose, what do you have to gain?

Work the 12 steps and get involved

Motivational Phrases: Find a few motivational phrases that inspire you, write or print them out, then tape them up in various places around the house. The next time you’re feeling down or in need of a boost, a quick glance at your favorite motivational phrases can encourage you to stay clean. Edit in a personal photo for extra meaning

“An addict alone with his own mind is in bad company.” Don’t let idle time be a trigger. Stay busy. Hit a meeting. Call your sponsor.

You are enough to handle your journey. The proof is that you’re already on it! You are enough!

Celebrate your milestones – you deserve each one! No matter how big or small.

Check in with your emotions several times throughout the day.

Give your future self mementos of why you became sober – scrapbooking, notes, anything!

Sometimes, research can help you feel better. Learn more about addiction, why it happens, and what’s proven to help with it.

Embrace and own mistakes. There’s shame in secrecy.

Resentment is toxic. Learn to live without it.

Don’t let the fear of relapse overwhelm you. Focus on a bright future.

Learn to walk away from stressful situations.

Be aware of your usual thoughts and triggers but be on the lookout for new ones.

Don’t allow the judgements of others determine who YOU are.

Work the 12 Steps with a sponsor and after you’ve completed them, start again.

Go to 90 meetings in 90 days, and on day 91, start again.

When the phone feels heaviest, that’s when you need to pick it up and call someone for support.

Go through your contacts in your phone and add your sponsor, peers in your recovery network, and loved ones that support you as ‘favorites,’ so they’re easily accessible when you need to talk.

Journal – every day. Get in the habit of writing down thoughts, feelings, and reflections.

Practice breathing exercises during times where you’re feeling triggered. Just taking a few moments to focus on nothing but the breath, can take the power away from the feeling of wanting to use.

Get comfortable asking for help. You don’t have to do this alone.

There’s a saying that goes ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup.’ Essentially, what this means is, in order for us to be good for and take care of others, we must first take care of ourselves. Find time every day to fill your own cup.

Often, we find ourselves saying ‘yes’ more than we say ‘no,’ even if that means giving away pieces of ourselves that we were reserving for ourselves alone. Practice using the word ‘no’ to prepare yourself for when you need to use it.

Walk into recovery with an open mind and a grateful heart.

Stick with the winners.

Find a sober tribe, and stick with them.

Make self-care a priority

Know your limits! We all have them.

Props are handy during events – because no one will ask you what you want to drink if you already have one.

Find something in your home that needs repair – bike, computer, whatever – and figure out how to fix it (this one’s challenging and potentially time-consuming, yet rewarding!)

Cook a good meal. Take some time in the kitchen and cook something special.

Learn to do things alone.

Seek new ways to use your strengths

Embrace the process



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