
Addressing the Dual Challenges of Substance Use and Gambling Disorder

Gambling Disorder is a behavioral addiction that occurs when persistent gambling behavior leads to significant impairment or distress. It is diagnosed when at least four of the following behaviors are observed over a 12-month period:

  1. Needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money to experience excitement.
  2. Is restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop gambling.
  3. Has made repeated unsuccessful efforts to control or stop gambling.
  4. Is preoccupied with gambling such as reliving past experiences or planning future bets. (
  5. Often gambles when feeling distressed (e.g., anxious, depressed, or helpless).
  6. Returns to gambling to “chase” losses after losing money.
  7. Lies to conceal the extent of gambling behavior.
  8. Jeopardizes or loses significant relationships, jobs, or opportunities due to gambling.
  9. Relies on others for financial support due to gambling-related debt.

These behaviors are often seen in individuals with Substance Use Disorder (SUD), making the co-occurrence of these conditions especially challenging. Addressing both requires a specialized, integrated approach to care.

RCA’s new Gambling Track is designed to give patients the tools they need to regain control over their addiction and compulsions for a life of long-term recovery.

How Does the Compulsive Gambling Track Work?

This innovative track addresses the dual challenges of SUD and Gambling Disorder through a comprehensive and holistic approach to treatment.

Patients in this track will benefit from:

  • Expert Therapy: Specialized care for both SUD and gambling, delivered by our experienced clinical staff.
  • Weekly Group Counseling: Focus on gambling triggers and recovery strategies.
  • Our Continuum of Care: Access to RCA’s full spectrum of care including therapy, group counseling, recovery resources, and family support.

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Start your journey to lasting recovery at a Recovery Centers of America inpatient drug and alcohol detox center. Don’t wait any longer to get the help you need. Contact us today to learn more about our detox program and other treatment options available at RCA.
