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What Kind of Online Recovery Events do you Want to Participate in This Year?

Home Resources What Kind of Online Recovery Events do you Want to Participate in This Year?

Recovery Centers of America asked Twitter users this question:

“What kind of online recovery events would you be interested to participate in this year?”

There is no doubt that recovery thrives on connection, and living during a time when in-person connection is not easily obtainable is a challenge. The Recovery Centers of America Alumni Association has been working endlessly on ways to provide engaging online events to help those in recovery and their friends and family. RCA team members have been creating monthly calendars to provide a variety of free activities which are approximately hour-long events that are easy to fit into your busy schedule. Several of these take place on Fridays or on the weekends, so it’s a great way to relax and wind down at the end of the week.

We have recently hosted some exciting events (and yes, with motivational speakers!) which helped attendees take away some new skills and positive outlooks. We are grateful to have hosted special guests such as Kevin Alter, founder of The Addict’s Diary as well as Brandon Novak, actor and pro-skateboarder. Kevin discussed what life was like growing up and experiencing twenty-nine stints in rehab. He is truly proof that recovery is possible. Kevin’s blog The Addict’s Diary helps to de-stigmatize and humanize the disease of addiction. Brandon Novak talked about pursuing his dreams as a professional skateboarder only to find himself losing everything to addiction.

Here’s what they had to say:

“I first saw Brandon Novak speak via video when I was a patient at RCA Devon. The first 5 minutes his candor had me spellbound. His story of strength, hope and inspiration helped me understand that if he could make it, surely I could. I read ‘Dreamseller’ while in inpatient treatment. After joining the Alumni planning committee, I wanted to bring his message back for others. His speaking for RCA was the culmination of many efforts and kindness I still benefit from daily in my life as an alumni. He is proof we can all make this journey if we do the work together.”

-Suzanne M.

We are looking forward to hosting Tom Guetzke, an award-winning motivational speaker who will touch upon the COVID-19 pandemic with his speech “Happiness Is The New Normal: Seven Secrets to a Healthier and Happier You.” At the end of the event, we will be raffling off 5 autographed copies of the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive, Think Happy, which he co-wrote with news anchor Deborah Norville. You can sign up for this upcoming event taking place on January 30th here.

The RCA Alumni Association has been making the best of the past year by providing several online resources to help stay connected in recovery. If you are seeking more routine and consistent types of events, we also provide weekly meetings such as Beginner’s Virtual Big Book StudyWomen’s Virtual Big Book Study and Recovery Readings with Dr. Deni Carise. Remember, the RCA Alumni Association is open to anyone in recovery, so you did not have to receive treatment at RCA to join us. We are looking forward to hosting plenty of exciting events in 2021 and hope to see you there!



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