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Staying Optimistic in Addiction Recovery

Home Resources Staying Optimistic in Addiction Recovery

Recovery Centers of America polled 2,554 Twitter users in the United States and asked: “What has been your most positive outcome from stay-at-home orders?”

Despite hardships and negativity surrounding stay-at-home orders, RCA wanted to get insight on how people are staying optimistic and embracing change during this difficult, challenging time. Here’s what our voters had to say.

Where are some great examples of how people took advantage of this unprecedented time and made efforts to connect and create. Talk about taking a negative and making it a positive! For those in addiction recovery and in the recovery community, creating and maintaining connections is key along with doing good things for both the mind and body.

Here is the breakdown of the results.

Recovery Centers of America’s Treatment Advocate Josh Sewell developed a list of how to stay focused and optimistic in recovery while breaking down three main “happiness chemicals” and how to maintain their balance.


  1. Engage in self-care activities – yoga, meditation, therapy, take a bath, take a walk, tap into your creative side, try something new, hobbies, etc.
  2. Eat a healthy meal
  3. Complete tasks
  4. Celebrate/acknowledge small gains and little wins


  1. Spend time with family/connecting virtually
  2. Social bonding – AA/NA meetings/supporting others in recovery
  3. Give compliments and engage in random acts of kindness
  4. Play with pets


  1. Meditate
  2. Exercise – running, swimming, cycling, etc.
  3. Get outside – Walk in park/nature
  4. Deep breathing techniques/self-soothing
  5. Laughter

These are some great ways to increase happiness throughout the day and will aid in mood stabilization, help decrease feelings of depression and anxiety and of course help maintain recovery. Those who completed treatment with RCA also voiced some positive outcomes about their lives from the past few months.

“I started a new consistent meditation process.”

“I’ve learned how to be comfortable sitting still.”

“I have enjoyed the stillness versus the busy day-to-day life.”

I have started a consistent meditation process, using singing bowls and connecting with nature.”

RCA is proud of our alumni for staying positive and we are here to support them and their loved ones through their recovery journey. We are currently providing several opportunities and activities for those in recovery (not just RCA alumni) and encourage anyone to join. The RCA Alumni Association is present where there is an RCA facility. These locations include counties in Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Learn more about how to get involved today!



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