
An addiction intervention isn’t about confrontation—it’s about helping and showing how much you care.

With our interventionists by your side, there’s a 90% chance your loved one will enter treatment.

RCA’s team of interventionists represent your family’s interests. They serve as your family’s advocate, providing support and helping your loved one achieve recovery. RCA does not charge for this service—rather, it is a built-in offering to support families. 

The Intervention Timeline

Contact RCAAn RCA treatment advisor will getyou in touch with one of ourIntervention Support Specialists, whowill listen to your needs and initiatethe process of an intervention.CreatingYour PlanInitial ContactWith InterventionistYour family and interventionist will gothrough the logistics, such as wherethe intervention will be held—inperson or over Zoom—and come upwith the team of individuals who willbe present.An RCA interventionist will ask formore information about your lovedone and dig deeper to understandyour unique situation.Identify Objections& BarriersRCAs interventionist will anticipateany objections or barriers that mayprevent your loved one from gettinginto treatment.Your family will beasked to craft a message from loveand concern, while theinterventionist puts the treatmentoptions together and puts a bed onhold for treatment to beginimmediately.Stick to the PlanRCAs interventionist will identifyrecovery efforts for each familymember. This way, everyone canlearn how to only support recoveryand no longer support theiraddiction.Conduct the InterventionHere, your family will deliver theirmessage of love and concern. Theinterventionist will answer any questions,revisit objections, offer treatment options,and if applicable, will take your loved onedirectly to treatment.
Contact RCAAn RCA treatment advisor will get you in touch with one of our Intervention Support Specialists, who will listen to your needs and initiate the process of an intervention.Creating Your PlanYour family and interventionist will go through the logistics, such as where the intervention will be held—in person or over Zoom—and come up with the team of individuals who will be present.Initial Contact With InterventionistAn RCA interventionist will ask for more information about your loved one and dig deeper to understand your unique situation. Identify Objections & BarriersRCAs interventionist will anticipate any objections or barriers that may prevent your loved one from getting into treatment. Your family will be asked to craft a message from love and concern, while the interventionist puts the treatment options together and puts a bed on hold for treatment to begin immediately.Stick to the PlanRCAs interventionist will identify recovery efforts for each family member. This way, everyone can learn how to only support recovery and no longer support their addiction. Conduct the InterventionHere, your family will deliver their message of love and concern. The interventionist will answer any questions, revisit objections, offer treatment options, and if applicable, will take your loved one directly to treatment.

Interventions without Judgement

Our interventionists create a safe environment, working to break down the barriers standing in the way of seeking drug and alcohol treatment, including:

  • Shame and stigma.
  • Not knowing where to turn.
  • Concerns about effectiveness.
  • Disinterest in abstinence.
  • Job concerns.
  • Financial concerns.
  • Transportation.

Our Team of Interventionists

Rana Kassis


Desmond Kane

Interventionist Manager

Craig Farrell


Tami Moylan

Interventionist Manager

Robert Strauber

Director of Intervention



Treatment Advisor
Standing By, 24/7