
How Long-Term Rehab Helps Treat Addiction

How will participating in a long-term drug rehab program benefit your patient?


If you treat patients who struggle with addiction, you understand that the recovery process can be a challenging time in their lives. However, with the right treatment and therapy, your patient can restore his or her life and relationships.  When it comes to addiction, Lighthouse recommends long-term drug rehab for patients who need more intensive treatment programs.

Benefits of Long-Term Addiction Rehabilitation

What are the benefits of long-term rehab for patients? People who have struggled with addiction sometimes think they can be treated and recover in a few days or that they will experience complete recovery once a treatment program has been completed.  However, recovery experts and studies report that long-term treatment programs (90 days or more) result in patients achieving a longer period of sobriety.  A long-term drug rehab program allows more time to examine the issues that contribute to one’s addiction.

When our patient enters a facility, detoxification is the first step in the process. As you may know, the detoxification process is needed to stabilize our patient’s medical health before moving to residential care.  During withdrawal, a person can experience serious health risks, if not supervised by a medical professional.  Once our patient enters our facility, he or she will undergo extensive medical evaluations.  We closely monitor and support our patients during the withdrawal process. However, detoxification is not a full recovery treatment.  It is merely the first indicator needed to determine whether long-term drug rehab is the best option for our patient’s full recovery.  Once our patient successfully completes the detoxification, the treatment process can begin.

Long-term treatment programs extensively examine the substance abuse behavior and other destructive habits of our patient.  Long-term treatment at Recovery Centers of America serves as a sanctuary and judgement-free zone for patients to begin their journey of full recovery.

inpatient/Residential Long-Term Drug Rehab

Once our patient enters our inpatient/residential treatment program, we offer a variety of seminars and therapies throughout the week.  Our patients also participate in individualized therapy one to three times a week.  In addition to therapy sessions, we offer additional modalities such as:

  • Art
  • Music Therapy
  • Leadership Training
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Yoga

We offer many more services to aid in the recovery process.  We also feel family plays a vital role in the recovery process, and we understand the process may be just as difficult for the family as for our patient, and thus, we offer solid emotional support services for both patients and their families.  Our neighborhood-based recovery campuses help make long-term treatment accessible and it cuts down on travel expenses.

As you can see, Recovery Centers of America is expanding its addiction treatment programs, including long-term drug rehab up and down the East Coast, including Lighthouse. For more information, please call us today at 1-800-RECOVERY.

Related Tags: Long-Term Rehab | Residential Addiction Treatment
